Ren e Felice Smith

Renee Felice Smith (born Renee Felice Smith) is a American writer, actress as well as producer and director. Her fame was due to her role as Nell Jones, the CBS successful show "NCIS Los Angeles'. She was awarded an award for her performance as a principal character in the CBS hit series "NCIS Los Angeles". The stage actress is too. Her performances have been spectacular in plays like "Wildflower.' One of her most well-known television roles was on the television show "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia'. Smith also produced, wrote and directed as well as performed as the lead character in the critically acclaimed film "The Relationtrip.. Renee Felice Smith has also played in many other highly rated films like "Nanny Cam," "That Cat with a Thing! ' and "The Wyoming Story". She is one of the best actors-directors today. Achieving awards such as the "Grand Jury Prize' from the 'Dallas International Film Festival' and the "Nell shipman Best Directors Award' from the 'Long Island Film Festival' has only established her reputation. Also, she has huge followers on Instagram and Twitter. Renee Renee Adele


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